Ceci Miles Mulvihill
Ceci Miles Mulvihill is the President and CEO of RMPersonnel. A true native to the area, Ceci grew up on both sides of the El Paso/Juarez border, and graduated from Austin High School and the University of Texas at El Paso.
Mulvihill started her career as a fourth-grade teacher, but after taking a year off to have her first child, she went back to work for her father at RM Customhouse Brokers Inc. which eventually led to other opportunities and starting her own business, RMPersonnel.
After over 20 years in business, RM Personnel has taught Mulvihill a thing or two about running a company.
"I think when you are selecting people for your staff, you have to be so very careful that they actually meet the needs of your business," she said.
"Really like the industry you're going into. I can't imagine working as much as we work and not liking what we do," she added. "Have a passion for what you do. Know you're going to fail. Learn how to do it better or go around it, or do it in another way."
But she said one piece of advice is more important than all others: "Don't be afraid to keep trying."
- UTEP Development Board
- The Borderplex Alliance - Board Member
- The Greater El Paso Chamber of Commerce - Member
- El Paso Hispanic Chamber of Commerce - Member
- Rotary Club of El Paso - Member
- UTEP Distinguished Alumni - 2010
- UTEP Gold Nugget Award- College of Education - 2006
- RMPersonnel- Top 500 Hispanic Business in the US List since 1993
- 1997 Vista Magazine Achievement Awarded to Ceci Miles Mulvihill President/CEO
- El Paso Zoological Society - elected as Director Emeritus